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  "Id": 2173,
  "Name": "Wet Your Appetite",
  "Url": "/kiteboarding/wet-your-appetite",
  "Url_List": [
  "UrlSlug": "wet-your-appetite",
  "ParentId": 2172,
  "ParentId_List": [
  "ParentName": "Kiteboarding",
  "ParentUrl": "/kiteboarding",
  "TemplateName": "",
  "Module_Alias": "Packages",
  "Module_ID": 2171,
  "Enabled": true,
  "ReleaseDate": "2021-08-17T00:00:00",
  "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-31T00:00:00",
  "SiteSearchKeywords": [],
  "Description": "

Ape X 2hr session is designed for newbies to have a real taste of what kiteboarding is all about. We’ll introduce you to the equipment, covering the basic knowledge and safety. Best of all, time in the water flying a kite!

", "Weighting": 1003, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [ "Packages/Beginner" ], "ItemCategoryIdList": [ 4101 ], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Sessions": "1 x 2 hour Session", "Pricing": "", "PriceBreakup": "{\n\t\"prices\": [{\n\t\t\"label\": \"1 Person Session\",\n\t\t\"locations\": [{\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Perth\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 240\n\t\t}, {\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Cocos\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 290\n\t\t}]\n\t}, {\n\t\t\"label\": \"2 Person Session (each)\",\n\t\t\"locations\": [{\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Perth\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 160\n\t\t}, {\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Cocos\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 190\n\t\t}]\n\t}, {\n\t\t\"label\": \"3 Person Session (each)\",\n\t\t\"locations\": [{\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Perth\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 100\n\t\t}, {\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Cocos\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 120\n\t\t}]\n\t}, {\n\t\t\"label\": \"4 Person Session (each)\",\n\t\t\"locations\": [{\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Perth\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 75\n\t\t}, {\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Cocos\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 90\n\t\t}]\n\t}]\n}\n", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "", "SEOTitle": "", "MetaDescription": "Your Ultimate Introduction to Kiteboarding. Get flying a kite – Hands on!", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 1.0, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "/images/lessons/Wet-your-Appetite-.jpg" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} },{ "Id": 2197, "Name": "The Kick Starter", "Url": "/kiteboarding/the-kick-starter", "Url_List": [ "/kiteboarding/the-kick-starter" ], "UrlSlug": "the-kick-starter", "ParentId": 2172, "ParentId_List": [ 2172 ], "ParentName": "Kiteboarding", "ParentUrl": "/kiteboarding", "TemplateName": "", "Module_Alias": "Packages", "Module_ID": 2171, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-08-19T00:00:00", "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-31T00:00:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "

Let’s get you kiteboarding! We will provide you with all the general information around kiteboarding. Much to learn and we have much to share.


We guide you step-by-step through everything you need to know; safety, equipment, environment, and communication. We provide all necessary equipment while delivering comprehensive lesson plans. Alleviate doubt or concerns by reinforcing quality and comprehensiveness of programs conducted by internationally certified instructors.


Ape X teaching methods will allow you to be self-sufficient and feel comfortable to venture out on your own.


Our Ape X teaching methods will get you there!

", "Weighting": 1002, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [ "Packages/Beginner" ], "ItemCategoryIdList": [ 4101 ], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Sessions": "3 x 2 hour Sessions", "Pricing": "", "PriceBreakup": "{\n\t\"prices\": [{\n\t\t\"label\": \"1 Person Session\",\n\t\t\"locations\": [{\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Perth\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 660\n\t\t}, {\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Cocos\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 790\n\t\t}]\n\t}]\n}\n", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "", "SEOTitle": "", "MetaDescription": "Conquer the basics! Become a confident and safe kiteboarder", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 1.0, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "/images/lessons/The-Kick-Starter.jpg" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} },{ "Id": 2198, "Name": "Zero to Hero", "Url": "/kiteboarding/zero-to-hero", "Url_List": [ "/kiteboarding/zero-to-hero" ], "UrlSlug": "zero-to-hero", "ParentId": 2172, "ParentId_List": [ 2172 ], "ParentName": "Kiteboarding", "ParentUrl": "/kiteboarding", "TemplateName": "", "Module_Alias": "Packages", "Module_ID": 2171, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-08-19T00:00:00", "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-31T00:00:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "

As an extension of the Kick Starter, we will take you above and beyond the basics of kiteboarding, giving you more time with your instructor to perfect the art of kiteboarding.


This is your chance to master the basics, to have all the skills and confidence to go out on the water comfortably with a level of independence.


At this point, you will hear us say “you are ready to leave the nest”.

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Join the craze of foiling!. Take your skills to another level by transitioning your kiteboarding skills to the foil board.


Begin using a foil behind a boat (it’s the best and easiest way to learn!) and then combine this new skill with the kite.


You will learn the different safety aspects of foiling and feel the freedom of the foil.

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A single session designed to have a taste of what wing foiling is all about. Getting a handle of the Wing on a SUP will develop the relationship you require to be soaring back and forth to and from the beach.

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Looking to learn a new discipline? We’ve got methods that will make your transition to a DIRECTIONAL board nice and easy.


It’s as simple as collecting a few pieces of information on your water start techniques and using a directional board.

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Freedom to a smooth ride with a complete package of foiling sessions and kite foiling sessions designed to get you up and GLIDING ABOVE the surface!


Obtain a collection of pointers, tips and helpful hints. Learn the different techniques and safety aspects of kite foiling to succeed in your new discipline.


Feel the freedom, it’s like flying on a magic carpet.


To make foiling easier Ape X uses a boat.

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Combine your skills of the wing on a SUP board and your foiling behind a boat – its time to Wing Ding!


We’ll take you through the steps you need to put these skills together, supply you with helpful tools and tips to become a confident and safe wing foiler.

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It’s about getting the footwork right.


Ape X has developed an easy way to go from a twin tip to a directional board. You will learn the water start techniques and footwork to complete your transition to a DIRECTIONAL board, providing you with the skills to ride those waves and the coastline.

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It’s a fact, it’s always more fun with friends.


You and your buddies will share the stoke of foiling behind a boat whilst developing your foil skills before branching out with a foil board and kite for a private tuition session.


Ape X will cover the different safety aspects of foiling, so you and your mates can experience the freedom of foiling together!

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Enhance your skills and techniques with a whisper. Our guidance and pointers will keep you on the water enjoying the breeze with gusto!

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Let’s introduce you to the finer points of kite foiling and keep the momentum going.


Ape X provides you with the pointers and skills you need to excel your kite foiling and get you to the NEXT LEVEL - gliding above the surface and feeling FREE!

", "Weighting": 970, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [], "ItemCategoryIdList": [], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Sessions": "1 x 1.5 hour Session", "Pricing": "", "PriceBreakup": "{\n\t\"prices\": [{\n\t\t\"label\": \"1 Person Session\",\n\t\t\"locations\": [{\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Perth\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 190\n\t\t}, {\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Cocos\",\n\t\t\t\"price\": 220\n\t\t}]\n\t}]\n}\n", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "", "SEOTitle": "", "MetaDescription": "Boost your Kite Foiling", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 1.0, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "/images/lessons/Foil-Frenzy.jpg" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} },{ "Id": 2178, "Name": "Refresher Session", "Url": "/kiteboarding/refresher-session", "Url_List": [ "/kiteboarding/refresher-session" ], "UrlSlug": "refresher-session", "ParentId": 2172, "ParentId_List": [ 2172 ], "ParentName": "Kiteboarding", "ParentUrl": "/kiteboarding", "TemplateName": "", "Module_Alias": "Packages", "Module_ID": 2171, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-08-17T00:00:00", "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-31T00:00:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "

Let's refresh your skills so that you are comfortable and confident to get back on the water.


We will assess your current skills, update safety aspects and provide you with some tips on how to improve your kiteboarding experience.


Ape X provides personalised guidance to meet your kiteboarding goals.

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Getting back into the swing of things is all about your confidence and refreshing those skills previously learnt.


Ape X develops a personalised session to meet your requirements which may include water start, riding and kite flying techniques.


You will improve your safety protocols such as self-rescue, to ensure you will continue to be a safe and competent kiteboarder.

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Let’s master refreshing your skills, with those you have already learnt and more.


Tweak your riding techniques and progress to the next stage of your kiteboarding journey. By spending more time with your instructor, you will excel in your progression.


You will increase your confidence on the water, improve your safety protocols and learn how to handle anything that comes your way!

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Gather all the tips you need to perfect your next goal!


Ape X improves your technique so your desired trick can be achieved. Your instructor will supervise and steer you to clear, open waters to develop your new trick, ensuring the safety of you and other kiters.


What will it be? We’ve got some ideas; Freestyle, kite loops, unhook, dark slide ;)

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Progression pointers coming at you to keep the momentum going.


A couple of sessions will do wonders for your skills. Ape X provides you with a variety of pointers and helpful tips to accomplish your NEXT LEVEL!

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Now this is the bee's knees - A complete package of Booster Sessions designed to reach your ApeX!


Optimise your skills, tricks and confidence with challenges and motivation. Our KA Senior accredited (IKO Level 3) instructor will provide full supervision to BOOST you to success.

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Includes; Boat hire, Skipper, Spotter, Foiling and Safety Equipment.

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Hang onto your hats, this land experience combines kiting with wheels for an adrenaline rush that only requires 5 knots of wind.


Includes all equipment and safety gear.

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Great experience

Great experience

I felt safe and in good hands at all times and really enjoyed the lessons! I can highly recommend taking classes with April.